Stretching Techniques 


Today I want to focus on stretching techniques, specifically dynamic and static stretches. It’s recommended to perform dynamic stretches before a workout or strenuous activity, and Static stretches post said workout.

Let’s start with Dynamic stretches. These pre-workout movements are named after the amount of movement needed to warm up your body. Dynamic stretches are stretches you do while moving. Such as bird dogs, hip circles, leg swings or arm circles. These all help open your muscles, prepare your body for more intense work outs, and protect you from injury.

Static stretches are just that, static. The stretches are performed while static or not moving. Centered around being still and releasing tension from the workout. They reduce chance of strains or sprains post workout and also help regulate your heart rate so you can return to your daily activities.

Perform these stretches before and after each workout to reduce risk of injury and to decrease recovery time. 


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