Which Nutritional Supplements Should You Take?

Let me preface this by saying you don’t need supplements to get results, but they can help aid you along the way. The supplement industry is worth billions of dollars but there isn’t much regulation of the products you’re being sold so it’s important to know what to buy and what to avoid. The supplements I want to focus on are multivitamins, fish oils, pre-workout powders, protein powders and creatine monohydrate.


            I recommend multivitamins and fish oil pills because they can help fill in the gaps if you didn’t get enough of a certain nutrient in your diet for the day. This can help you avoid getting sick or having a nutrient deficiency in the long term.


            Pre-workout powders are usually a proprietary blend of ingredients. They all include caffeine which naturally is in coffee and tea. These also include ingredients that can aid in muscular endurance and strength. My recommendation on these pre-workout powders is to do your research and take a small dose to start.


            Protein powders are very useful because they can help you reach your protein target for the day without any cooking. These powders can have 25-30 grams of protein per scoop, these powders are flavored and mix well with milk or water. But not all protein powders are the same, do your due diligence to find one that has natural ingredients and is safe for you.


            The last supplement I want to focus on is called creatine monohydrate. Creatine is naturally found in protein like chicken, beef and fish. Creatine is important to build muscle, it helps your muscle hold onto water, so your muscles get harder and look fuller. This powder can be added to water and juice, with just 5 grams per day you can see benefits in just a couple of weeks.

These are just a few of the amazing additions you could add to your wellness routines. If any interest you or if you want to know more, you can head to your local pharmacy or talk to your primary care physician for recommendations.


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