Why Stay Hydrated?


Adequate hydration is often the most overlooked part of health. It’s recommended to drink 100 to 150 ounces of water per day. It’s also very important to limit soda and energy drink consumption because these drinks will dehydrate you. In a perfect world, you should stay away from soda and sugary drinks in general. When you drink enough water you’ll feel more satisfied, you’ll curb hunger, you’ll have more energy and more.

“Drinking enough water each day is crucial for many reasons: to regulate body temperature, keep joints lubricated, prevent infections, deliver nutrients to cells, and keep organs functioning properly. Being well-hydrated also improves sleep quality, cognition, and mood.”

Set reminders on your phone or get a large jug to keep you in check. How many more reasons do you need? Do it for yourself and drink that water.

Source: https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/news/hsph-in-the-news/the-importance-of-hydration/


Intuitive Eating

