The Carnivore Diet

The Carnivore diet is exactly as it sounds, you only eat protein and meats on this diet. This diet has been trending recently and investigate this to see what all the hype is about. This diet should only be used short term because it is not sustainable but maybe there is some health benefits.


            One thing you won’t have to worry about is your protein intake since meat is consumed with every meal so you shouldn’t lose any muscle mass, potentially even gaining some lean tissue. This is a very restrictive and extreme diet but allegedly has helped people lose weight and has helped rid them of health problems. This diet is like the more popular “Keto” diet but on Keto has a wider range of foods you can eat.


            On the carnivore diet, some examples of the food you’re allowed to eat is eggs, butter, hard cheese, meat and salt. The first thing that your body will start craving is carbs, your body is used to using carbs as fuel. “Unlike other high-protein, low-carb diets, the carnivore diet allows zero carbs. It includes “only foods that either walked, swam, or flew,” says Kelly Schmidt, RD, a holistic dietitian in private practice in Columbus, Ohio. While it may be a trend, “eating only meat is not sexy,” she says. “It’s not colorful, and it’s not fun.” Most people who try the diet are motivated by a strong desire to lose weight or to address an autoimmune condition.” These diets aren’t very sustainable, and many people struggle with the change of only eating meat. These diets are made by podcasters and public figures like Joe Rogan. Rogan goes so far as to claim that the carnivore diet is the key to his health and yet he eats sugary fruit, which is against a focal rule of the diet. Fruits have a lot of carbs and sugars which is a “big no-no” on said diet. Even those that promote the carnivore diet cannot stick to it.


Fancy a nice cocktail after a long week? Well too bad, that’s not allowed on this diet. Some other foods not allowed on the diet are vegetables, fruit, seeds, nuts, legumes, bread, pasta and grains. Most people that try this diet will only last a couple days because your body is craving carbs and vegetables. Unless you have a specific medical condition where this diet is recommended, there are a lot of better options out there.




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